Geoscientists contribute to the value-chain of modern society, be it the discovery and exploration of energy- & mineral resources and geothermal energy, or the temporal storage of green energy (green methane, air, hydrogen). The understanding of complex earth system processes also contributes to future sustainable growth, such as safe waste-deposits, the protection of water resources, a better understanding of climate change and secure sequestration of CO2.
Field trips for the public, semi-professionals and professionals are essential to better understand short-term and long-term developments of our earth. Examples are the Lemjöres-walk around Stolberg-Vicht for the public (broadcasted on WDR TV), the earth is a milk-slice (published in KIT News), the geology of the Aachen mining district (published in OGV Volume 98), and the Volcano-trip to Sicily with my Geology students (broadcasted on WDR TV).
… and graphical work
Enclosed you will find a 3d-model of the subsurface between Aachen-Cologne-Bonn, which I developed with Dr. Wilfried Bauer in the course of the year of Geosciences. The cube displays the Maria Laach volcanoe of the Eifel region, the lignite coal seams in the Lower Rhine Embayment, and the U-shaped limestones below Aachen causing the rapid upward migration of hot spring waters.
I developed an exhibit for the museum in Mayen, Germany, initiated, designed and edited the quarterly published information leaflet VAG Infoblatt, and was responsible for the conception and the steering of the Exhibit of the German Year of Geosciences, 5.-9.6.2002 presented at the Neumarkt in Cologne.
I also developed the logo of the GUtech German University of Technology, and the logo of the EMR Energy- & Mineral Resources Group at RWTH Aachen.